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UNPORTRAITS, 2021-2024
Coleção de retratos. 15×21 cm cada, impressão digital em papel fotográfico.

“Romeu Silveira’s Unportraits are a responde to the challenges of the pandemic, an inquiry into the concept of ‘non-portraits’ that begin from out-of-focus images captured through Google Street View. In an era when interactions are limited to digital platforms and our virtual reflections become our constant companions, Silveira applies himself to the way a North American giant of technology constructs Brazil and its inhabitants. To differentiate his work from others projects carried out using this imagery base and to introduce an element of strangeness, Silveira saturates his images, separating them from their cold original context. This image borrowing is a central element of his creative process, transforming commonplace pictures into works that explre the fragility and ephemerality of the digital world. Critical reflections on the surveillance and loss of control embedded in our relationship with technology come to the forefront, fostering crucial analysis of the role of images in our lives, and of a scenario that need scrutiny.”

— FELIPE ABREU for Old Issue 78, May 2024

Fotolivro. 10x15cm, 135 páginas, impressão digital em papel couchê 150g. Publicado por zero-Edições.

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